3 weeks. That's how long the last lap has started but I've done nothing but sink further down into the comforts of my bed nursing a cough that has been going on since God knows when. Being unwell drains the life out of you and I can only add more and more things to catch up on on my Wunderlist and desperately Google why do I cough so much. After a few cups of warm tea and some deep breathing, the cough subside but it wasn't long before that ache in my chest pushed up a resounding cough and I'm grabbing the x cup of water beside. Drink up people, drink up.
Nevertheless, I braved the haze after school one day to check out a potential study spot. The bread were beautiful, the coffee smelt so good but that was all I could do, smell it. Although it was a bit on the chilly side, I'm sure I'll trudge back there when I'm well again for a cup of coffee that I've been dreaming all night long.