Monday, January 12, 2015

33 | Eat all you can

I ate A LOT this week. But then again, when have I not.
Getting into the grind of January with more food and more fats.
More friends and more chat.

The time spent with the girls were more than perfect. 
It had been a LOOOONG time since we actually sat down together 
and shared about everything under the sun. 

Boys and well, more boys. 

It was really great information exchange and to set it apart from just mindless gossip, 
I guess we knew specifically how to pray for each other's lives. 

Boys aside, we indulge in trimming eyebrows and playing with make up although our destination after all that was to our comfy bed but the next time we'll get to do this again would be when Ger is back from exchange which is another LONG period. I'm glad we caught up. And I'm glad for them. People who have anchored me since young. Besides my family, I guess they would count as the people who knows my whole life story apart from a few bits and pieces. But they are the ones I can rely on in times of tears and sadness and they are the ones I go to when I want to share my happiness. So almost two decades long of friendship, let's make it to three, four, five and more decades uh? (: